What Happens in Vegas?


I just escaped two full-on days at CES2020. Despite my FOMO (fear of missing out), there will be much I missed or that I only noticed for the first time this year, but I wanted to share a few themes that I’ve taken away from CES this year.

Harvest Innovation – Changes in Agriculture

Harvest Innovation - Changes in Agriculture

On 6th November, the NEC in Birmingham will open its doors to the Farm Business Innovation Show. For three years on the trot, I have been a speaker at this event, talking to land-based business owners about how to exploit the marketing mix to optimise their diversifying businesses.

Ideas Are Not Enough

Ideas Are Not Enough

People often see idea creation as the most important aspect of innovation. We hear people lament, “if only I had the big idea…”. Well, I’m not sure that mindset fits with my experience.

No Job Description Here. Create Your Own Future.

No Job Description Here. Create Your Own Future.

At Ignite Exponential, we want to see businesses move away from standard recruitment and towards a more productive way of scaling up their teams – thinking human. Hard skills are of course necessary but are taught abilities.

How Electric Cars Will Change the World

How Electric Cars Will Change the World

Imagine this front page heading in your newspaper tomorrow morning: “Electric car sales reach 25%: All urban fuel stations stop selling petrol/diesel and most urban repair garages go bankrupt”.