How to Innovate in Scarcity


I’ve worked in innovation for more than twenty years using a broad range of innovation tools, processes and approaches along the way.

Are You Frozen?


“Tell me the steps I need to follow”. “Show me what the final result will be“, or “How much will it cost, what will my ROI be”?

Innovation Fitness


Those that know me will be aware that when I’m not helping companies innovate, I love an outdoor ‘ChALANge’, ideally either running up fells or cycling up mountain passes.

What Happens in Vegas?


I just escaped two full-on days at CES2020. Despite my FOMO (fear of missing out), there will be much I missed or that I only noticed for the first time this year, but I wanted to share a few themes that I’ve taken away from CES this year.

Ideas Are Not Enough

Ideas Are Not Enough

People often see idea creation as the most important aspect of innovation. We hear people lament, “if only I had the big idea…”. Well, I’m not sure that mindset fits with my experience.

No Job Description Here. Create Your Own Future.

No Job Description Here. Create Your Own Future.

At Ignite Exponential, we want to see businesses move away from standard recruitment and towards a more productive way of scaling up their teams – thinking human. Hard skills are of course necessary but are taught abilities.

Why innovation partnerships should be more like a physio and less like a doctor.

So next time you are creating an innovation partnership, try a physio’s approach! How do you approach your pain points? Does your approach to innovation only address the immediate surface symptoms or the long-term company immune system to changing market trends and challenges? Either way, I’d love to hear your experiences!.

A new way forward, proposing the IEX way

A new way forward, proposing the IEX way

I believe the strategic growth challenges faced by your company are inherently unique. In our collective experience here, successful innovation comes not from applying standard tools to the specific innovation problems our partners